Current funding available

for individuals
Programme for 2025 is now open


Westminster Amalgamated Charity is an independent, registered charity.  It is not part of or related to Westminster City Council or the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

Westminster Amalgamated Charity can help you if you currently live in the London Borough of Westminster. 

Grants are awarded to individuals who are on a low income or in receipt of benefits, on a low income/benefits and have a disability, or are homeless (but residing in a hostel).

Grants can be made towards:

  • Clothing
  • Essential household items (furniture, white goods, kitchen equipment)
  • Decorating materials
  • Floor coverings (rugs only - no fitted flooring)

Grants range typically between £100 and £500 and all grants are made at Trustees' discretion.


We do not award grants for:

  • TVs 
  • CD/DVD players
  • Technology accessories e.g. headphones, earbuds, sound bars, speakers etc.
  • Gaming equipment and downloads
  • Mobile phones
  • Computers/software
  • Educational needs
  • Holidays 
  • Debt repayment, removal costs, rent, bills, food or fees  /  fitted flooring

How to apply

The application form should be completed by the referring agency. This must be a recognised agency such as Social Services, Citizens Advice Bureau, Housing Association, Hostel or any registered charity working in Westminster. If you need assistance with finding a referring agency, please click here for information on organisations that may be able to help you.

Apply using the link below to the online form. Requests for funding received by email or post will not be considered.

Individuals are expected to have sought all the State help they may be entitled to before applying. The Charity cannot give money for a need which could be covered by local or national State funds.

As a charity we are not in a position to replace statutory funding and we require all individual applicants to be eligible for and in receipt of benefits. In addition, we expect applicants, where appropriate, to have made an application to Westminster City Council’s Local Support Payments Scheme BEFORE making an application for a grant. 

The Charity does NOT give emergency cash grants or crisis loans.

The Charity does not award grants retrospectively.

Our new database is now live and the Application Form can be accessed via the button below. Referring agencies will need to register before making an application.

If you have any queries relating to applications, please email

Application Form


Privacy policy

Grant process

Grants for Individuals are assessed by the Grants Committee on 6 occasions during the year at approximately 8 week intervals.

If your application is successful, an E-gift card will be sent to the referring agent to pass on to the beneficiary. Payments will not be made directly to the individual.

It is requirement of the Charity that store receipts, or copies thereof, are forwarded to us as proof of purchase.

Please note: the responsibility for the grant lies with the referring agent and the grant must be used for the purpose stated on the application form. Any misuse of funds will result in a claim for reimbursement being made by the Charity.


If you have any doubts about your eligibility or questions regarding your application please contact the Operations and Grants Manager.