Westminster Amalgamated Charity in its present form dates from 1961 following the amalgamation of seven existing Westminster charities. The aim of the Charity today is to continue the activity common to all the predecessor charities, namely the relief of need in Westminster by way of Grants, both for individuals and for organisations.
The Charity tries to help all those in need in Westminster, providing the eligibility criteria have been met. Grants are awarded on a one-off basis at Trustees' discretion and beneficiaries should not expect to receive continuous or year-on-year funding.
The Trustees are keen that organisations should, where relevant, demonstrate the active promotion of the learning of English and integration into British culture.
Whilst the emphasis of the Charity's work is to benefit Westminster residents, its Scheme allows grants to be made to homeless people in Westminster.
Political organisations and those which carry out overtly political campaigning will not be supported.
For more information on the constituent charities prior to 1961, see History.